Nature music from beneath the photic zone

Buy Wardle Rigg HERE! (this link will be live on 27/10/23)

Beneath the photic zone, in the darkness, something has been growing for a long time. 

Something organic, electronic, bucolic, pastoral, and dark. 

This is music that has grown from seeds planted long ago in my mind, in my childhood, in my dreams and in my nightmares. 

Sometime during the lost days of not-so-long-ago, the first shoots emerged from beneath the photic zone, and began to open their tiny voices.

Subphotic is my solo project, it’s a conduit between the dark folktronic world I live in, and you, the listener, wherever you may dwell.


Wardle Rigg is an album about place. The sound of the place. The feel of the place. The emotion, the joy, the sadness, the weather, the dark and the light and the love of the place.

Songs about landscape, odes are sung to the trees, the rocks, the clouds, the lichen, the birds.

Sound recordings were made in these special, favourite, magical, mystical places. The key, the tone, the sound of the wind, the sun, the rain, the earth, the raw nature of the place.

All the emotion of that moment was captured in space and time and committed  to tape. 

Augmented by “what three words” to geolocate the songs and the place and fix them in the moment. Rooted to the spot. Each track can be visited and explored. The “what three words” will locate you in the exact place the music was composed, breathed into life, born, created and made flesh.

It’s a symbiotic relationship between the place and the song. The cosmic address and the composition.

She sings of the coming of the moon, of the trees that hold their breath, of the small birds, of the old pathways, the stones, journeys ends and lovers meetings.

Rebecca Denniff is a composer and folk singer. She lives on Bonfire Hill surrounded by the trees and the electronic components that hum and buzz and oscillate her ideas into life, into sound.

What is what3words? – “We divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations”.”

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